Thursday, December 6, 2012

Left overs!

A lot of our guests this year asked about the amount of maze/corn that was growing in our area and wondered why the crops had just been left in the fields to the point that the plants were collapsing and the cobs appeared to be rotting, well, on my last walk nearly all of the fields have been harvested and as you can see above this is what remains, all the maze has been stripped off the cobs and the left overs disgarded out of the back of the massive combine harvestors over the fields to eventaully rot back into the soil, always a strange sight after months of walking through 'forests' of corn fields.
Below, now that the nights have turned very cold, an early evening pic of the mist rolling down the Vimont Valley toward the Vezere at Le Moustier, time for those lovely open fires in the house I think!

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