Monday, July 25, 2016

2 weeks later.....

....and the flowers are all out, it's an amazing sight over the road!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

10 days later....

....and the sunflowers are blooming nicely! Taken at 9am this morning, the plants are now about 7 feet tall and about 50% are in flower, this afternoon we're going to try and get some pics taken from the river towards Les Granges...will have to take the steps to see over the be continued!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Iced drinks weather!

For all those that have been to stay here over the last few weeks and commented that when the temperature reaches above 30 degrees it would be 'too hot', well, it is as I write 35 degrees in the shade! As the picture taken a few minutes ago shows, the sky is an incredible deep blue, not a cloud to be seen and the grass is already starting to turn brown but the pink mimosa tree is now in full bloom and looking spectacular!
Weather forecasts indicate the temperature is to stay like this for the next 2 weeks with the odd thunderstorm here and there, good news for all our guests here now and our next arrivals on Saturday!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Watch this space!

Have just cycled back from the camp site (ok yes it was for a beer at happy hour!) and spotted two of the first sunflowers to bloom in a field of thousands of plants. Not unusual in France I know but this is the first time in nearly 6 years since we moved here that the fields directly across the road from us and in front of La Roque St Christophe have been planted with sunflowers.

This time next week it will be a sea of yellow flowers between us and Le Roque....a photographers dream...I can't wait!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

30 degrees plus...and increasing!

The heat is well and truly here now, over 30 degrees in the shade and the gite pool above will not be empty very long after our customers return from their days activities!

Last Monday, a group of 16 guests all the way from Australia had a special 50th and 40th birthday party here in front of the house for two members of the group which included a lunch time cold buffet of local dishes supplied by Jerome & Sidonie of cafe Le Martin Pecheur in St Leon Sur Vezere.
A great afternoon and evening was had by all and it's a good job we'd purchased the two new white gazebos to keep everyone away from the afternoon sun!

Happy Birthdays Simon & Mark!