Friday, September 14, 2012

A swarm of swallows!

Look very closely at the picture above. As we drew back the curtains yesterday early morning, this was the sight that greeted us, a gloomy rainy morning but as you can just see the sky was full of hundreds of swallows circling and feeding over Les Granges.
An amazing sight that we've never seen before and as the morning progressed the weather got better and most of them eventually settled on the cables at the side and to the rear of the property as if to rest after a full mornings aerobatics. By mid afternoon they had all gone, we take it south for the winter, it would be nice to think that the four swallow families that were raised in the barns over the summer were all part of this fantastic display, very sad to see them all go but it will be great to see them again next March or April!

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