Rumaging around the barn yesterday, i found under a pile of dirt, cobwebs and numerous other bits that have gathered in a corner over the many years, this amazing old iron. It's about 8" long, 4.5" wide and 10" high including the woodern handle. The head at the front acts as a catch to seal the iron together when i take it hot coals were placed in to heat it up. On the inside if the lid is the product name 'Sphinx 4'.
I've googled charcoal irons but have not found anything of a similar design so can't date or get any more info as yet, if anyone else can find anything i'd be very interested to know.
I think i'll clean it up the best i can, it'll make a good ornament, or even doorstop, for the house!
Wow, that's an amazing find! Would be interesting to know how old it is. I wonder what else is hidden in your barn? xxx