Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Not a happy ending.

Several Black Redstarts have been nesting again successfully in many locations around our property, the pair that built this one decided that an old copper pan hung up in the big barn was an ideal place, which after laying 5 eggs and all of them hatching, all seemed to be well until a few days ago when I went into the barn and there was no usually little squeaks coming from the pan. On closer inspection unfortunately all 5 of the young were dead so for whatever reason the adults had deserted them the day before so they had perished overnight.
Very sad but these things happen for whatever reason but we're sure there are many more young Black Redstarts on their way, 5 swallows have already fledged their nest in the barn already!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Problem sorted!

Another job completed in the main house a couple of weeks ago! Flaking paint and a small crack on the wall at the side of the main stairs from the hallway meant a little bit of investigation was needed to find out the cause. On knocking away the loose plaster it revealed one of the original stone support with a more modern wall that hadn't been joined together properly so problem easily resolved with a binding tape and an appropriate filling.
All finished and ready for our German guests who arrived for their annual golfing break last Saturday and who have probably not even noticed the difference!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

One to look out for!

A couple from Barcelona recently stayed with us and on their arrival very kindly gifted us with this bottle of their favourite local spanish wine, a 2012 Crianza from the Protos vineyard and on tasting it we could see why! A beautiful full bodied red wine which according to the internet is available in the UK, USA and other countries, so if you do find any I'd certainly recommend you trying it!