Looking through my archive of pictures, the above is about the most relevant picture I can find to this time of year, taken 2 years ago showing the front of our property in January after a light fall of snow. No sign of snow at the present although temperatures are forecast to drop to -6 degrees next week, so some pretty severe frosts soon!
We're not in France at the moment though, we have travelled back to the UK for Christmas and just after New Year our youngest daughter, Nicola, is getting married in North Yorkshire, England, so as you can imagine it's going to be a hectic couple of weeks over here!
I took the picture above a couple of days ago whilst we were in Sevenoaks as we walked around a country estate owned by the National Trust, we really were only a few feet away from this beautiful deer, shame there wasn't any snow on the ground then I could have used it as a festive pic!
Happy Christmas to you all,